This past Friday, we were able to praise the Lord as 10 men graduated from CABC, our first graduating class. Nine of them received BA's in Bible and one received a certificate in Bible. Each of the men were presented with a towel with "Be great. Serve" embroidered on it to remind them that they have been trained to serve. Another interested Zambian aspect is that after each graduate is given his degree case and hooded he is greeted by family members, friends, etc who congregate at the front of the auditorium. This extends the time of the service, but with only 10 men, it was manageable. It was nice for the families to share in their graduate's accomplishments.
The faculty (minus some part-time) have poured their lives into these men. Three of the men have or are currently pastoring churches. Four of the men are from Kenya. Four of the men are married with families. The past few years have not been easy, but God has blessed them for their hard work and perseverance. Pray with us as the graduates go out to serve the Lord.
The church auditorium was packed as people continued to filter in well into the service. There were probably 300+ people at the graduation service. Following the service, everyone filed out and greeted all the graduates. That took a LONG time! Thankfully, the rain held off during that process.