Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I'm not sure why the format of this is not cooperating. Sorry if it is difficult to decipher.

We finally have our garden started! Let me walk you through the process.

There was already an established garden plot from the previous tenants at the house. But it had to be dug up. Joshua and Caleb (mostly Caleb) enjoyed using Zambian hoes to help with this job.

Becky even got in on the action. Our yard worker, Ba Charles, actually did most of the work. He is very good with letting the kids "help" him. He has 6 children of his own.
John was able to get fence posts and buy chain link fencing to enclose the garden area. In the foreground are the two main reasons for the fence. The dogs are avid diggers and we don't want all our vegetables uprooted.

So far, we have cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, lettuce and cherry tomatoes planted. The children have a corner of the garden for them to tend.

Today, they each planted a cherry tomato plant in their plot. They will greatly enjoy eating the results of their labors.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Trip to Northern Province of Zambia

John was able to go along with missionary teammates Steve Hafler and Todd Beaman to see the Nothern Province of Zambia. This was a survey trip as they also took two of the college students who have been praying about ministering in this area of Zambia.

This is a short video about our trip.

A rough road

Group at Lake Tanganika

Hot Supper - it was 100F +
Our nights accomodations

Handing out tracks