Saturday, May 16, 2009

Gone Bananas

We just ate some bananas off our first bunch here at our new house today. It reminded me that I had taken pictures of bananas developing when we were living at the Hafler's home. That bunch was harvested and eaten shortly before we moved out. I had never seen bananas growing before moving to Africa, so I thought it was interesting watching how they develop. Good eating too!

August 4 - A purple flower comes up from the center of the stalk.

August 6 - The petals start opening one by one revealing tiny bunches (hands) of bananas.

August 11 - A few more petals have opened.

August 17 - While more petals open, the first bananas start plumping up.

August 29 - Full tree perspective.

October 2 - The lower petals just fall off along with dud bananas.

January 16 - Yes, four months later - the bananas are cut off when they just start turning a bit yellow. We were able to share them with our two employees.

January 19 - After a few days, they ripen and are eaten. These bananas are called lady's fingers because they are small and sweet. The kids (and parents) love them and couldn't get enough of them. It is normal for them to eat 3 each in one sitting. One afternoon, while John and I were gone and the kids were home with a sitter, the kids ate all the rest of the bananas! We were going to save some bananas for the Haflers who were coming home soon. The kids received a scolding for being so greedy. I guess its better to feast on bananas than candy, though.

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