Yes, the rains have come! There is not as much dust to have to wipe off the window sills, countertops, etc. Now there is just mud all over the floors. : ) What amazes us is the colors of the trees even during the dry season. Before the rains come, the red flame trees bloom, as well as the plumeria and others. I hope to sometime post some pictures of the beautiful flowers here in the yard.
After a couple nights of sprinkles, it rained all afternoon through most of the night Friday. We received off and on sprinkles on Saturday too. With the rains came wonderful cool breezes. It was actually almost cold! The rains were also accompanied by lightning and loud thunder. We have heard that the storms get even more dramatic. So far the kids have been fine. We are trying to teach them that the thunder is from God, just as the rain is. Also with the rain comes more critters. There are many flying ants and other winged bugs in the air and
crawling around.
We haven't seen a huge increase in the toad and frog population yet like Caleb is waiting for, but this one toad seemed to be knocking at our front door asking to come in from the rain. He stayed outside.
Another thing that accompanies the rains here is more frequent power outages. We dug into our container (when it wasn't raining, but still cool) to find some of the candles we brought with us. We are very thankful that the Washers have a gas stove/oven that we are able to use to make hot meals even when the power is off. We also have one on our container to use when we are in our own home.
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