Thursday, December 11, 2008

Zambia Home #2

When we first arrived in Zambia, we had the privilege of staying in a missionary's home while their family was on furlough. We were there for 10 months. That family returned to Zambia in May. In April, another missionary family left for furlough and they asked us if we would like to stay in their home while they were gone. This helped them since they wouldn't have to pack up their whole house and the property is more secure when someone is living there. It helped us since we didn't have to locate a rental home yet and their rent was lower than what was available in open rental houses. We have enjoyed both our house-sitting experiences, but the second family is due to return the end of January. However, a missionary couple from another organization has retired and they moved back to the States at the beginning of December. We have made verbal agreement with their mission about renting that home. We figured we'd better put pictures of our current home on the blog before we move out. God has blessed us with more than we've needed as far as a roof over our head.

A view of the front yard. The poles are holding up banana trees that have fruit on them. It takes months for the bananas to be ready to cut.

A view of the back yard. Those familiar with the house will appreciate the vantage point. ;)

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